How to Transform Boring Meetings into Engaging Sessions

Let’s face it. Most corporate meetings are boring. That’s the way they’ve always been, and it’s a big reason why most TV shows don’t show scenes of office meetings. (Unless Superman is about to come flying in through the boardroom meeting room window)
But does do meetings have to be boring?
The answer is simply, no.
All it takes is some good ideas, a bit of ingenuity, and a little help from technology.
These are some of our favourite way to add some engagement to your meeting sessions.
Start the meeting by sharing your wins
Instead of having everyone enter the meeting room with glum faces, what if you can get them invigorated to jump into every meeting? One way to do so, is by making it a point to have your team start meetings by sharing a personal win.Keep it light and encourage everyone to share a small win they’ve had - at work, or in their personal life. This also promotes healthy sharing and bonding between colleagues.
Begin with a dose of inspiration
Another way to start your meetings on a positive note is by sharing some inspiration before you get started. This can be in the form of a TedTalk, or just a quick 3-minute video of someone overcoming the odds.Here’s an example of a quick motivational video you can use:
Get food involved
Transform mundane weekly progress meetings into a time for fun and bonding, by turning it into a brunch session. Get some snacks (be sure to include healthy choices so everyone – even colleagues on a diet – can enjoy themselves) and drinks, and make the meeting invite a casual, inviting one.Break the ice
For meetings that involve parties who don’t yet know each other, it’s a good idea to introduce some icebreaking games to get everyone warmed up.Don’t be afraid to make some of these games a little silly. Even in a corporate setting (or perhaps, especially in a corporate setting), these games can be incredibly effective at loosening participants up – and breaking down barriers.
Engage teammates from across the globe
Add some diversity to your meetings by including team members from across the globe. Not only will this make your meetings more engaging as you’ll get to hear from other co-workers, but you’ll also get a wider perspective from people working outside your office. This often translates into more interesting meetings and better projects.Need a simple-to-use solution for communicating with parties (such as team members, contractors and freelancers)? Give audio, web and video solutions from Angage a try for absolutely free, before you decide.